Polly’s Journey: From Stray Kitten to Pampered Princess – The Tale of a Tiny Feline with Unique Markings

A lovely kitten with distinct markings was discovered roaming the streets one day. Fast forward two months, and her wish for companionship was granted with the arrival of three other furry friends.

sweet kittens calico

Cloud and Polly were discovered by Shelly, a dedicated animal rescuer with over a decade of experience. A concerned citizen reached out to Shelly when they found three vulnerable kittens abandoned without their mother. Despite locating the cat mom, she showed no signs of wanting to care for her babies. The kittens were in poor health, with crusty eyes from infections and being severely underweight. Shelly swiftly sprang into action, scooping up the tiniest kitten for immediate care before turning her attention to the other two.

stray kittens tiny

When Shelly stumbled upon the kittens wandering alone without their mother in sight, she knew she couldn’t just leave them to fend for themselves. Despite already caring for 16 rescues, she decided to bring them home with her. “At just three weeks old, I knew they would soon be ready to start weaning,” Shelly explained to Love Meow.

calico kitten bottle

Polly quickly embraced the bottle, according to Shelly from 5 Star Strays. Shelly continued to bottle-feed Polly, Cloud, and Destiny for a few weeks before gradually introducing mixed wet food. Despite Shelly’s determined efforts to save all the kittens, Destiny, the runt of the litter, tragically succumbed to her illness. On the bright side, Polly and Cloud eagerly latched onto the bottle and eagerly consumed every drop during feeding time.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from 5 Star Strays witnessed a remarkable transformation in Polly and Cloud as they received better care and showed a newfound appetite. As their health improved, their eyes brightened, their bodies became stronger, and their energy increased significantly. Shelly believes she intervened just in time to prevent any lasting harm. Additionally, she ensured that the mother cat and a few other felines from the neighborhood were spayed to prevent further unwanted litters.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from 5 Star Strays describes Polly as having gorgeous patterns and a vibrant personality. This calico cat was born with stunning markings that only grew more beautiful as she got older. Polly confidently roamed around with her tail held high while her brother Cloud followed closely behind, taking in everything around them with his curious eyes. Together, they navigated the learning curve of eating from a dish and mastering the art of the litter box.

calico kitten cats

Cloud and Polly have shown significant growth and improvement. According to Shelly at 5_star_strays, the two kittens seem to be developing just as they should. They were recently introduced to other foster cats in the home to help them socialize. After some initial sniffing and getting to know each other, Cloud and Polly quickly joined in on the fun and play with the other cats, fitting in seamlessly with the group.

kitten cat friends

Polly and Milo Shelly @5_star_strays After overcoming their health struggles, Polly and Cloud transformed into lively young felines. They quickly bonded with other foster cats, who became like family to them. When it was time to search for a forever home, Donna, a familiar adopter, pleasantly surprised Shelly by expressing interest in adopting four kittens.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from the account @5_star_strays shared that Donna instantly connected with Polly, Cloud, and two other foster dogs, forming a strong bond and deciding to keep them all together. Just recently, the four dogs found their forever home when Donna officially adopted them.

stunning calico kitten cat

Shelly from the account @5_star_strays mentioned how rare it is to find someone willing to give a home to four cats at once. She emphasized that it was an opportunity too good to pass up. Within a week, the four cats had already adjusted comfortably to their new surroundings, joining the existing six cats in the household and happily playing around together.

calico kittens forever home

Polly and Cloud found their forever home alongside two of their foster pals, Shelly from 5 Star Strays. They have formed a special bond with their human mom and are getting along famously with their new cat siblings.

calico kitten polly

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